AR Archive : Never Too Old To Be Taught A Lesson (2024)

by: d2og | Complete Story | Last updatedMar 7, 2018

Chapter 4 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 2 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 3 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 1 added Mar 7, 2018

Commission from cowkites. Elizabeth Turner, fresh-out-of-college and feeling in over her head, is a newly hired teacher at the prestigious Vitae Academy. Between her age and her good looks, she's been having difficulty garnering the respect she believes she deserves. To make matters worse, one of her new students is a girl she used to babysit; a girl named Rachel that holds a grudge against her. When Elizabeth does something a bit drastic to get her class under her control, Rachel responds ten-fold and Elizabeth's life changes forever.

Chapter 1
Part 1

Chapter Description: Elizabeth Turner, fresh-out-of-college and feeling in over her head, is a newly hired teacher at the prestigious Vitae Academy. Between her age and her good looks, she's been having difficulty garnering the respect she believes she deserves. To make matters worse, one of her new students is a girl she used to babysit; a girl named Rachel that holds a grudge against her. When Elizabeth does something a bit drastic to get her class under her control, Rachel responds ten-fold and Elizabeth's life changes forever.

Author’s Note: This story contains a large amount of sexual and fetish content centering around mental age regression, role reversal, spanking, wetting, messing, diapers, and more. This is a darker story so keep that in mind as you near the end.

Elizabeth Turner could hardly contain her nerves as she watched the clock. She sat in the teacher"€™s lounge, along with a few of her peers, and mentally prepared herself for her first day of teaching at Vitae Academy.

Hopefully the kids are a little bit more manageable than the staff"€¦, Elizabeth thought to herself. The past few days of prep for the start of the school year had been a hectic one and made all the worse by the constant stares Elizabeth had been subject to. Elizabeth"€™s age and petite frame made her an easy target for disrespectful behavior from staff and students alike. In an effort to downplay her inexperience and fresh-out-of-college appearance, Elizabeth dressed a little more provocatively than the rest of the faculty would like. On a typical day, Elizabeth would wear a tight black pencil skirt that accentuated her curves and gave passersby a clear view of her pantyline should she bend over. A pair of sleek black heels perked her already plump butt up and gave her the extra height she would need to be able to look her peers (and some of the more developed students) in the eye. Her ample bosom was barely contained by a thin white button-up blouse, which Elizabeth purposefully did not fully button so that she could show off the expensive lace bras she loved to buy.

If her sense of fashion wasn"€™t enough to grab attention and leave the women around her jealous, then her natural beauty was. Elizabeth had pale smooth skin and wavy auburn hair that she kept pulled into a high bun. Her cute facial features and hazel eyes were framed perfectly by a pair of dark rimmed glasses that Elizabeth hoped gave her a more refined, intelligent look.

"€œA bit old to be playing dress-up, aren"€™t you?"€, said a sultry voice from behind Elizabeth. Elizabeth looked over her shoulder to see a beautiful woman in her mid-thirties: Samantha Maxwell. The older woman stood nearly a foot taller than Elizabeth and acted as if every inch she had on the younger woman made her that much more important. She wore her long black hair down and over one shoulder, naturally drawing the eye to her perky breasts. Unlike Elizabeth, Samantha dressed simply in a yellow dress, cream-colored sweater, and a pair of flats; but with her natural curves and long legs, Samantha still drew plenty of glances in her direction.

"€œW-what do you mean, Samantha? I"€™ve been dressing like this all we--"€, Elizabeth began.

"€œOh! Is that you, Elizabeth?,"€ Samantha asked, feigning ignorance. "€œI thought a student had snuck in and was trying to pose as a teacher. You can understand my confusion."€ Elizabeth glared up at Samantha. She opened her mouth, but the first bell rang and quickly reminded her that she had a class to get to. Samantha waved at Elizabeth, a smirk on her face as she watched the new teacher rush to her first class.

In her haste to get to the classroom, Elizabeth had nearly forgotten the layout of the academy. By the time she arrived at the threshold to the room, she was already a few minutes late. She took a moment to collect herself, put on her best smile, and did her best to walk confidently into the room.

"€œGood morning everyone!"€, Elizabeth said as she looked at the crowd of teenagers that would be her students for the next semester. She did her best to take them all in, looking from student to student until her eyes fell upon a face she hadn"€™t seen for some time. The name didn"€™t come to her immediately and neither did the context for her knowing this girl, but as their eyes met Elizabeth became painfully aware of how she knew this girl.

Rachel...oh"€™ve got to be kidding me"€¦, Elizabeth thought as she felt her entire body tense up.

Elizabeth had babysat Rachel several years ago back when she was in college and Rachel was thirteen. Rachel didn"€™t actually need that much looking after, understandably so given her age at the time; nonetheless, she was a handful. Rachel always resented her for being her babysitter. The girl made it abundantly clear that she thought she was way too old for a babysitter and Elizabeth agreed; though she kept her mouth shut because she needed the money. If anyone should have been to blame it was Rachel"€™s overprotective parents, but Elizabeth figured that it was easier for Rachel to blame her rather than her mom and Dad.

Rachel had developed a great deal since Elizabeth had seen her last. The messy mop of dirty blonde hair that she used to have was perfectly well-managed and styled now. She had grown several feet and would probably be taller than Elizabeth given a year or two more. Mere days away from her sixteenth birthday, Rachel held herself like an adult; a difficult task given the uniform she was required to wear. It was clear to Elizabeth from the way Rachel interacted with those around her that she was popular.

This is all I need...she"€™s going to make my life a living hell isn"€™t she"€¦ Elizabeth wondered.

With her thoughts completely elsewhere, Elizabeth tripped over her own feet. She stumbled on her heels for a moment before she fell forward and deposited both her books and herself on the side of her desk. Elizabeth could tell from the sudden chill on the back of her thighs, that her skirt had ridden up in the tumble. The class burst into laughter as they got a glimpse of her panties. She looked back to adjust herself and her eyes met Samantha"€™s as the older woman watched her from just outside the room. Elizabeth"€™s face burned a bright red from the embarrassment, but before she could finish hiding her exposed underwear and collecting herself, Samantha entered the room.

Eager to embarrass Elizabeth further, Samantha addressed the class, "€œQuiet down, quiet down. Class this is Ms. Turner, your new teacher and a young woman new to teaching completely. Please be patient with her (as we all have) while she gets used to things around here."€

Elizabeth stood and did her best to sound composed, "€œThank you Samantha for"€ She then turned to the whiteboard and continued, "€œAs Mrs. Maxwell informed you all, my name is m--"€

"€œElizabeth, sweetheart, your skirt"€¦"€, Samantha warned. The class behind her began to snicker as Elizabeth realized that the chill she had felt on her rear had not disappeared from before. She looked over her shoulder to see her skirt tucked up in the waist of her lace panties, leaving her plump butt and underwear exposed to everyone. Elizabeth"€™s face reddened as Samantha pulled her skirt out for her and straightened it. "€œThere, all fixed!"€, Samantha cooed, then addressed the class, "€œI"€™ll see some of you later, but for now be nice to Ms. Turner here. Remember she"€™s new!"€

Despite Samantha"€™s words to the students, Elizabeth"€™s day continued on in a downward trend. While she managed to keep herself from tripping or further exposing herself, Elizabeth"€™s class paid her little attention or respect. She wasn"€™t surprised to find that Rachel was the worst of them and no amount of reprimanding or threatening could sway the girl. By the end of the day, almost every single student and member of the faculty was aware of just how bad Elizabeth"€™s class had become. In an effort to reestablish her control over the classroom and garner respect from her peers, Elizabeth decided to do something she had hoped she would never have to: she was going to make an example of one of her students.


Elizabeth"€™s second day of teaching was no better. Hardly thirty minutes into the day and she was already on the verge of tears from her frustration. With no other options clear to her, Elizabeth waited until a student began to act up; lucky for her, Rachel had been passing notes to her friends all morning.

"€œRachel? Would you like to share with the class what you"€™ve been writing?"€, Elizabeth asked. Instead of responding, Rachel rolled her eyes and went back to writing another note. "€œI asked you a question, Rachel."€ Elizabeth reiterated. She stood from her desk and approached the back of the classroom where Rachel sat. Elizabeth snatched the note from her before Rachel could react and held the note aloft. "€œLet"€™s see, "€˜This teacher is such an idiot. Why the hell did someone let her teach?"€™"€ Elizabeth fumed as she crumpled the note in her hands. Enraged, she grabbed Rachel by the arm and dragged her to the front of the class.

"€œWell let"€™s just see how well I can teach someone a lesson, shall we?"€ Elizabeth pushed the unruly Rachel over her desk and lifted her skirt with the yardstick she had been using. Rachel struggled against her, but Elizabeth was able to keep her pinned to the desk. "€œYou know Rachel, this is a very prestigious school. That means I can teach, do you understand?"€

"€œDon"€™t you dare do what I think you"€™re gonna do!"€, Rachel yelled.


The yardstick smacked Rachel"€™s exposed butt firmly and left a red mark where it had hit her.

"€œOWW! f*cking stop it! I"€™ll get you fired for this!"€

Elizabeth chuckled as Rachel only gave her more reason to continue on with the punishment, "€œLike I said, Vitae Academy is an old private school. Spanking naughty students is tradition; granted, they stop doing it after middle school, but I think this is a special case."€


"€œOWWW! S-stop! Ms. Turner stop!"€

Elizabeth smiled. It had been a long time since she had spanked an unruly kid. In fact, the last ill-mannered child she spanked was Rachel back when she had to babysit her. "€œAre you sorry, Rachel? Are you going to behave yourself?"€

"€œArrrrgh...fine! I"€™m so sorry..."€


"€œLess attitude, missy. Again."€

"€œI"€™m sorry, Ms. Turner...I"€™ll behave myself"€¦"€, Rachel finally said through clinched teeth. Satisfied, Elizabeth let her stand and continued on with her class. Much as she expected, things went a lot smoother for her from then on out; aside from the occasional death-glare from Rachel.

Elizabeth went home that night thankful she had finally managed to get her class under control. She figured that her peers in the faculty would soon follow suit, but it would take time. Elizabeth went to sleep late that night, excited to continue on with her teaching career and completely unaware of what was happening at Rachel"€™s house not two blocks down.


"€œMom! It"€™s midnight and I"€™ve had the worst day. Why are you coming in here and waking me up like this?"€, Rachel asked. Her mother stood next to her bed dressed all in black with a wide-brimmed hat and grin on her face. "€œIt"€™s your sixteenth birthday today! You should be excited!"€

Rachel rolled her eyes. "€œWhy are dressed like you just fell out of a costume shop mom, you look ridiculous. Besides, my day is going to be a nightmare "€˜cause my teacher decided to spank me in front of the whole class yesterday. Whatever weird birthday stuff you have planned isn"€™t going to make up for that."€

"€œOh? And what if I told you that you already had all you needed to fix that problem, no "€˜weird birthday stuff"€™ required?"€, her mother asked.

"€œWhat do you mean, mom? You"€™re weirding me out"€¦"€, Rachel replied.

"€œThink about how it made you feel, what would you do to Ms. Turner..."€ Her mother then pulled a doll from her pocket. She snapped her fingers and the plain looking doll transformed until looked like a small version of Rachel"€™s teacher. "€œ...if she were here now?"€

"€œ did you--?"€

"€œMagic. The same magic you now have. Now...think of what you would do and snap your fingers, just like I did."€

I"€™d show her what it feels like to get spanked in front of the class. To be treated like a baby when she knows she"€™s an adult!, Rachel thought. She then snapped her fingers, as the doll"€™s clothing changed into a tiny dress and diapers. A large pacifier was stuffed in the doll"€™s mouth and it"€™s face was red with embarrassment.

Rachel laughed aloud as she examined the doll. "€œYou were right mom, I should be excited for my birthday"€¦"€


As Elizabeth expected, her next day began far easier than the last few days had. Her class was well-behaved and the rest of the faculty had been less dismissive; the only thing that surprised her was Rachel. The girl looked far less defeated than Elizabeth expected; in fact, she looked even more confident and dismissive than yesterday.

Before too long, Rachel had begun to act up again. This time she openly talked to her friends as Elizabeth tried to teach. Elizabeth decided to let it slide at first, but after a few minutes the other students had begun to do the same.

"€œRachel? Do we need to have another talk about your behavior like yesterday?"€, Elizabeth asked, doing her best to keep her voice stern.

"€œI don"€™t know, do we?"€, Rachel replied. She was clearly eager to get on Elizabeth"€™s nerves.

Elizabeth closed her book in a huff and crossed the room to Rachel"€™s desk. To her surprise, Rachel stood before she could reach her and made to grab her bag as if she planned to leave.

"€œAnd just where do you think you"€™re going?!"€, Elizabeth nearly yelled at Rachel, "€œUnless you want a repeat of yesterday, I suggest you march yourself right down to the principal’s office young lady."€ Rachel looked at her, a fire in her eyes that had not been there the day before. Elizabeth hesitated for a moment, unsure if she should rely on corporal punishment again.

"€œI"€™d like to see you try and spank me again."€, Rachel responded, a sneer on her face. The class burst into a chorus of "€˜oooooo"€™s"€™ as Rachel glared at Elizabeth and snapped her fingers.

Without another word, Elizabeth grabbed Rachel by the wrist and pulled her over to her desk with little resistance. Confident that she would teach Rachel a lesson once and for all, Elizabeth moved to bend her over the desk.

Only she couldn"€™t.

Elizabeth gasped as the girl that had struggled against her so violently before, stood confidently against the pressure of her arm. It was obvious that Rachel was straining against her, but no matter how hard Elizabeth pushed she just couldn"€™t force the girl down.

"€œH-how are you doing this?!"€, Elizabeth asked, her voice strained from the effort.

Rachel winked at her, a smile plain on her face, "€œWouldn"€™t you like to know?"€

Then, before either of them could act a familiar voice called out from the door behind them, "€œWhat is the meaning of this?! Elizabeth, just what are you doing dressed like that and what are you trying to do to Rachel?"€

Elizabeth turned around to find Samantha looking down on her, hands on her hips, clearly outraged. She was taken aback by her tone, but was upset that the woman continued on with her joke from before in front of her students, "€œVery funny Samantha. If you"€™ll excuse me, I"€™m trying to discipline my student."€ Elizabeth then turned and reached back out to Rachel, only to have her wrists grabbed from behind by Samantha.

"€œExcuse me, young lady? Is that how you address your teacher? And you will answer my question, where did you get those clothes? Where is your uniform?!"€, Samantha asked, even more upset than before.

"€œUniform?! What are you going on about, Samantha?"€, Elizabeth asked. She looked around the room from any kind of support from her students, but only found a room full of teenagers eager to see what Mrs. Maxwell might do to Elizabeth.

Samantha "€˜tsked"€™ and grabbed Elizabeth"€™s wrist. Elizabeth struggled against her, but found the older woman far stronger than she would have anticipated. "€œYour school uniform, Elizabeth. The one I"€™m going to put you in after I punish you for this ridiculous behavior.

"€œB-but! I mean it! This isn"€™t funny. I am a teacher. Tell her Rachel!"€, Elizabeth said, her expression frantic as Samantha pulled her across her lap.

"€œI"€™ve had enough of your nonsense, Elizabeth. Let"€™s see how you like being spanked in front of your classmates."€

Elizabeth whimpered and squirmed as Samantha easily overpowered her. Her arm was pinned behind her back and she was left completely helpless in the older woman"€™s lap as Samantha lifted up her skirt and exposed Elizabeth"€™s panties to the class. "€œHonestly, where does a girl like you get off thinking it"€™s okay to where such lacy things like this."€, Samantha chided. Elizabeth yelped as Samantha yanked her panties up and fully exposed her pale cheeks. Without warning, Samantha began spanking her.


The embarrassment Elizabeth felt being spanked in front of a room of teenagers was nothing like she had ever felt before. Almost immediately, her eyes began to grow wet and her lips trembled.

They"€™re all gonna make fun of me! I"€™m never going to live this down! Elizabeth thought.

"€œDoesn"€™t feel good, does it? I don"€™t have to keep going, but you need to apologize to Rachel and admit to everyone here that you"€™re not a teacher."€, Samantha said.

"€œI-I"€™m sorry Rachel! I-I won"€™t ever do it again, I promise"€¦"€ Elizabeth sniffled as she spoke. She couldn"€™t meet Rachel in the eyes as the girl looked down on her.


"€œAnd what else?"€, Samantha asked.

"€œB-but"€¦! I-I am a teac--"€


"€œAnd"€¦?"€, Samantha asked again.

Elizabeth began to cry as the rest of the class laughed at her. She kicked her legs like a child as her ass grew sore from the punishment. "€œI-I"€™m not a teacher"€¦"€


"€œGood girl! Now repeat after me: "€˜I"€™m a teenage girl in high school, Mrs. Maxwell."€™"€

Nooooo"€¦.it"€™s not fair...this doesn"€™t make any se-


"€œNow, young lady. Unless you want to continue your punishment in detention?"€

"€œN-no, puh-please...I"€™m...I"€™m a teenage girl in high school...Mrs. Maxwell."€, Elizabeth finally answered.

"€œAnd do you belong in those clothes?"€, Samantha asked.

Elizabeth swallowed audibly as she mustered the courage to say what Samantha, now Mrs. Maxwell to her, wanted her to, "€œN-no Mrs. Maxwell"€¦"€

Satisfied with Elizabeth"€™s response Samantha allowed her to stand, then addressed the class. "€œAll of you behave yourselves while Elizabeth and I find her some proper clothing. If I hear that anything else happened while I"€™m gone, then Elizabeth won"€™t be the only one with a sore bottom."€

Elizabeth was allowed a brief moment to grab her bag before she was dragged out of the classroom and down the hall. It took her some time to dry her tears and work up the courage to talk to Samantha after what had just happened. "€œW-what"€™s going on? Y-you don"€™t actually think I"€™m a student...right? I-I don"€™t really have to call you Mrs. Maxwell, do I?"€

Mrs. Maxwell didn"€™t bother to respond and instead unlocked the door to her office and dragged Elizabeth inside. Elizabeth was forced to wait patiently as Mrs. Maxwell looked through a pile of boxes on the floor until she produced a brand-new Vitae Academy uniform still sealed in its plastic.

"€œThere."€, Mrs. Maxwell said as she took the bag from Elizabeth"€™s hands and handed her the uniform. "€œNow get changed so we can get you back to class."€

"€œI"€™m not gonna wear this! I don"€™t know what"€™s going on, but I am a grown woman! I"€™m not going to let you make me wear this ridiculous outfit. I"€™m sorry, but no!"€, Elizabeth said, her arms crossed.

Mrs. Maxwell rolled her eyes, reached over, and yanked Elizabeth"€™s pencil skirt down. Elizabeth yelped as she was exposed and tried to cover herself only to Mrs. Maxwell slap her hands away. "€œI"€™ve had just about enough of this attitude. You are NOT a teacher, Elizabeth. You are a student and you should start acting like one."€

Elizabeth reached down to pull up her skirt only to have her butt spanked with a loud THWAP. "€œOwwww! Why! Why the spanking!?"€ Mrs. Maxwell ignored her and began to unbutton Elizabeth"€™s blouse.

"€œI am a teacher! I can prove it! My bag, look in my bag!"€, Elizabeth exclaimed.

Mrs. Maxwell finished unbuttoning her blouse and removed it along with Elizabeth"€™s pencil skirt, leaving her to wait in her underwear while she grabbed her bag. "€œKick off the heels too. They"€™re completely against the dress code."€ Elizabeth did as she was asked in the hopes that Mrs. Maxwell might listen to her. She watched as Mrs. Maxwell picked up a bright pink bag far smaller and more prissy than her old black purse had been.

"€œWait...that"€™s not my bag"€¦"€, Elizabeth said, confused.

"€œIt"€™s the one you walked in with. I"€™m sure we"€™ll know if it is and if you are what you say you are once I open it up and take a look, hmm?"€, Mrs. Maxwell replied. "€œNow change out of that slu*tty underwear before you put your uniform. I honestly don"€™t know where you got the bravery to wear such things."€

"€œInto what?"€, Elizabeth asked.

Mrs. Maxwell looked up from the purse, a pastel pink push-up bra and pair of matching panties in her hands. "€œWell these were in your purse. Did you mother not let you go out wearing those, maybe? I wonder where you tucked away the rest of your uniform."€ Mrs. Maxwell then tossed the underwear over to her.

How"€¦? How is this all happening? It has to have something to do with Rachel. It all started when I tried to spank her again"€¦

"€œPut it on now, you don"€™t have anything I haven"€™t seen before."€, Mrs. Maxwell said.

Elizabeth felt her face burn red with embarrassment as she slipped out of the expensive panties she had only bought a week ago and exchanged them for a cheap pair of pink cotton panties. Once she had done the same with her bra, Elizabeth was forced to hand them off to Mrs. Maxwell. It felt as if she was giving the teacher the last bit of her adulthood.

Mrs. Maxwell took all her adult clothes and locked them in one of her desk drawers before returning to her. "€œAlright, Elizabeth, prove that you"€™re a teacher."€

"€œMy driver"€™s license is in there! If I"€™m really a sophom*ore in high school I wouldn"€™t have that right?"€

"€œYou mean this,"€ Mrs. Maxwell asked and held aloft the license in question. It was labeled clearly as a learner"€™s permit. The age printed on the card as sixteen.

"€œWha-what?!"€ Elizabeth snatched the permit from Mrs. Maxwell"€™s hands and turned it over. She could tell that it was real, and the picture was definitely of her only she looked younger for sure. Elizabeth had to look back over her body again to make one hundred percent sure that she still looked the same.

"€œYou"€™ve also got a planner in here, detailing your classes; there"€™s some cherry lip-gloss; everything a teenage girl like yourself would have. Does that put a stop to all this? Can you please put your uniform on?"€, Mrs. Maxwell asked, clearly done with Elizabeth.


"€œNow! Or else I"€™ll dress you like a child, and sure little miss grown-up would love that."€

Resigned to her fate and unwilling to be bent over Mrs. Maxwell"€™s knee any more today, Elizabeth unwrapped the uniform and got to work dressing herself. She put on the top first and found herself struggling to pull the tight fabric over her body. After a few minutes, Elizabeth was left stuck half-in the blouse and squirming. "€œIt"€™s too small,"€ she whimpered from within the top.

Mrs. Maxwell sighed and pulled the top the rest of the way down. Elizabeth let out a sigh of relief as the top appeared to stretch somewhat around her chest. She knew that the outfit was too small, but somehow it managed to fit her. Mrs. Maxwell then held the skirt stretched out before her. Too embarrassed to protest, Elizabeth stepped into the skirt and let the teacher pull it up for her. She waited patiently as Mrs. Maxwell adjusted the outfit, more than glad to just get this all over with.

Elizabeth tugged at the pleated skirt she had been forced into. No matter how hard she tried, there just wasn"€™t enough fabric to pull down and cover the pastel pink panties that were far too tight for her shapely ass. Her posture would have to be perfect at all times. If she bent over, Elizabeth risked exposing her lower ass and puss* to anyone standing behind her; while her massive breasts would threaten to pop free of the blouse that strained to contain them. The tie around her neck, the pink headband that held her hair back, and the cheap dress shoes on her feet made her look even younger. The loss in height from being in flats was significant and Elizabeth barely stood tall enough to come eye to neck with the woman that had just spanked her in front of her own class.

It feels like one of those bad dreams where you"€™re back in school and you have to pass a test you didn"€™t study for...only I"€™m not waking up"€¦, Elizabeth thought.

As soon as she was dressed, Mrs. Maxwell handed back her purse and escorted her back to the class she used to teach. Elizabeth"€™s embarrassment had originally stemmed from being an adult forced into a high school uniform; but now that she returned to the classroom she was just spanked in, she couldn"€™t help but feel completely humiliated as the students that were now her classmates watched her every move. She could hear them snickering at her as Mrs. Maxwell took her to an empty desk in the back of the room next to Rachel.

Next to her! No! I"€™ve got to be dreaming...I must be dreaming"€¦

Rachel leaned over to her as Mrs. Maxwell did her best to get the classroom back under control. In a whisper, she teased Elizabeth, "€œYou"€™re not dreaming, Lizzy. Welcome to your new life. I"€™m in charge now, but don"€™t worry I"€™m sure you"€™ll get used to it"€¦"€

End Chapter 1

Never Too Old To Be Taught A Lesson

by: d2og | Complete Story | Last updatedMar 7, 2018

Chapter 4 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 2 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 3 added Mar 7, 2018 Chapter 1 added Mar 7, 2018


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AR Archive  : Never Too Old To Be Taught A Lesson (2024)


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Author: Maia Crooks Jr

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Views: 6354

Rating: 4.2 / 5 (43 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

Address: 93119 Joseph Street, Peggyfurt, NC 11582

Phone: +2983088926881

Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.