Fear & Hunger 2 Termina - Marina Full Walkthrough Guide (2024)

Fear & Hunger 2 Termina - Marina Full Walkthrough Guide (1)

  • Title: Fear & Hunger 2: Termina
  • Release Date: December 9, 2022
  • Developer: Miro Haverinen
  • Publisher: Miro Haverinen

This is a full walkthrough for the character Marina.


This guide is a full walkthrough for the character Marina. Follow this guide to get all 3 endings in one play through.

This is not a comprehensive guide where you can look things up and make your own strategies. This is a guide where if you don’t follow the instructions the guide will fail you. So if you don’t want to do the things that I did then I don’t recommend following this guide.

This guide was made for Fear & Hunger v1.4+. So if something in the guide doesn’t work anymore it’s not my fault.


This game has two major power spikes.

1. 16 Agility. When you reach 16 agility you permanently have double actions every turn after the first which in turn doubles your damage output.

2. The Enlightened Soul (aka O’ssa’s soul aka Yellow Mage’s soul)

O’ssa has a skill called La Danse Macabre which, over the course of a few turns, more than doubles your magic damage. O’ssa also has a skill called Spice Forge which lets you cast the same spell twice every turn at no extra cost. So with La Danse Macabre and Spice Forge, you have quadrupled your magic damage output.

So if you put these two power spikes together, your character will be dealing more than 8 times damage than normal. That is absolutely phenomenal and that is how we are going to beat this game. So the strategy here is grab both power spikes a.s.a.p. and then do other stuff.

So why Marina instead of O’ssa? Because you need access to three spell trees (Gro-goroth, Sylvian, and Fear & Hunger) and Marina can get access to all three spell trees without relying on luck. In addition she has Engrave which is essential for reaching 16 agility. The only thing she is missing is O’ssa’s skills which can be trivially obtained on the first day. O’ssa on the other hand needs to rely heavily on luck to get the 3 skin bibles to gain access to the three spell trees. In addition, unlike Marina, he cannot use guns and guns are essential against certain bosses and enemies. So to answer the question, we choose Marina because she is flat out superior to O’ssa in every way the entire game, including both early game and late game.

There’s only 3 sources of Agility: Small Thing’s Amulet, Engrave, and Hexen Table.

You start with 10 Agility

Small Thing’s Amulet is an accessory purchasable at Dr. Kefer & Co and gives +5 Agility.

Engrave is one of Marina’s skills and it gives +5 Agility.

Hexen Table has two skills that give +1 agility.

You will need all three because one of the endgame bosses, the Kaiser, actually has high agility too so if you want double actions against him you need all of the above to outspeed him.

Defensively, Spice Forge lets you cast a spell at the start of combat as a free action. So your primary defense strategy is to create a Blood Golem with Spice Forge at the start of combat and cast Pheromones on it as your first action so 100% of enemy attacks will go to your Blood Golem, not you. In addition to being a 200hp punching bag, this strategy will also protect you from game ending status ailments like blind or amputation.

WARNING. This ability of Spice Forge is BUG RIDDEN. Against some enemies it will give them a free turn before you. And some of those enemies’ free action is an instant-kill attack. Do NOT use this ability of Spice Forge against August.


X means it’s blocked from one side and must be opened from the other side first.

Yellow means it’s blocked because of plot.

The maps are high res. If you have trouble reading it I recommend downloading it and zooming in.

Character Creation

For character creation options, choose Blood Magic, Sylvian, and something to read. And then redo it all again and again until the Skin Bible you get is Gro-Goroth. Then save this character start and never rewrite over it.

The reason for this is because you need access to three skill trees: Gro-Goroth, Sylvian, and Fear & Hunger. In order to gain access to those skill trees you need to either draw their sigil on a ritual circle or do something special. There are only 4 ritual circles where you can draw Gro-Goroth or Sylvian sigils (GVSR Circles. Stands for Gro-goroth, Vinushka, Sylvian, Rher) and you can hit 3 Affinity with Gro-Goroth with only one circle. Sylvian requires two so that’s why we choose Sylvian as our god and reroll until we start with a Gro-goroth bible.

Fear & Hunger sigils can only be drawn on AF circles (All-mer, Fear & Hunger) but because Sylvian and Gro-goroth skills are significantly more important than Fear & Hunger skills, we prioritize Sylvian and Gro-goroth over Fear & Hunger.

Day 1 – Morning

It doesn’t have to be said that you need to loot everything the eye can see. So loot everything you see even without me telling you to.

1. Herbs

As soon as you get control of your character scavenge the immediate area for green and blue herbs. Green herbs cure the “infection” status ailment which will kill you if left untreated and blue herbs heal your hp. You can go to Outskirts 1 for more herbs but do NOT go to Outskirts 2. There is a very strong enemy there called Woodsman and he will kill you.

2. Sewer Keys

Once you gathered all the herbs make your way east Forest 1, Riverside, Lake, and then Old Town 1, Old Town 2, Derelict House, and finally Old Town 3. Kill all the villagers but dodge all the ghouls. Kill the villagers by attacking their Torso.

Enemies in this game have cone vision. Meaning if you are literally right next to them they still won’t be able to see you so dodging all the ghouls should be easy.

In Derelict House don’t step on the glass shards on the ground.

In Old Town 3, to kill the sickle villager, attack his sickle hand first, then attack his torso. It will take you 2-3 attacks to kill him.

Go to the Mayor’s House 2nd floor and go LEFT. Not right. There’s a very powerful enemy on the right side. On the Left side is Henryk. Talk to him until you get the option to snap him out of it. Once you do that go right. You will see a priest kneeling on the ground. DODGE HIM. Go past him and in the room above him there is a way down. Go down there, grab the Manor Keys, come back up, and continue to dodge the Priest by going into the adjoining room and then exiting to the hallway. Don’t try to walk past him. Then go downstairs, then go down to the basem*nt, and one of the rooms is the food storage. Go back to Henryk and he will give you the Sewer Keys.

3. Get 3 Ghouls

It’s time to raise your Ghoul Army. Raise the sickle villager you just killed and the soldier corpse next to him. Go back to the Derelict house, step on some glass shards, and kill both villagers. The Rifle villager is dangerous but you’re just gonna have to suck it up and take the hits. Attack his torso. His arms have way too much hp so ignore them and go for the torso. He should die in 2-3 turns. Once they’re both down raise the 2nd sickle villager as your 3rd Ghoul.

4. Get the Bonesaw

Go into the old house and go down to the basem*nt. At the bottom right corner is a bonesaw.

5. Get 15 Heads.

Go to Old Town 5 while killing everything that crosses your path. In Old Town 5, kill everyone there EXCEPT the Pigman. He’s a guy wearing a pig mask holding a gas weapon. Stay the hell away from him for now but everyone else you can kill. Do NOT bonesaw the corpse of the sickle villager. Cut the heads off every other corpse. There is a dual knife villager in a house in this area, visit her and take her head. Afterwards backtrack all the way back to the train, killing all the ghouls and villagers and beheading them.

Once you reach the train, go to Outskirts 1, draw a Gro-goroth sigil in the GVSR circle and sacrifice your weakest most damaged Ghoul. Then go back to Old Town 5. You can cut across Outskirts 2 but don’t explore that area. Get to Old Town 5 a.s.a.p. while the Woodsman is busy beheading a villager.

Raise the sickle villager you killed in the middle of the town.

Go to the New God Altar in the Old House and offer all 15 heads to get 15 Soul Stone Shards. Go to the crafting menu (it’s located in your normal menu, underneath “Equip”) and craft 5 Soul Stones immediately. Make this a habit because I guarantee you you’re gonna forget to craft them and waste a sleep.

Once you have 5 Soul Stones, go upstairs to the bed and sleep. End of Day 1 – Morning.

Day 1 – Noon

In your dreams, save in a different save slot. Then go to hexen table and select these skills:


The Warding Sigil

Advanced Occultism


Black Smog

Then leave. I like to save before using Hexen in case I make a mistake.

Let me tell you about Black Smog. Black Smog is your go to spell for everything except endgame bosses. You’re gonna kill virtually everyone with this spell. It’s that amazing. Unfortuntaely it’s nowhere near it’s potential right now and you only got it because it has a great chance of landing a headshot which is instant-death to enemies. Now the problem is the enemy might get lucky and dodge the Black Smog so a little bit of luck is required for this part.

1. Kill the Priest.

Go back to the Mayor’s manor and kill the priest by casting Black Smog. You need to “rev up” once to cast it. Even if you miss the first one the second one should hit. If it doesn’t then lady luck hates you so reload and try again. Once he’s dead collect his soul stone and behead him.

2. Obtain the Betel Stone.

Make your way to the Riverside and then enter the Sewers. From there make your way to Prehevil Central. Kill any Neighbours you come by. If they dodge your Black Smog your ghouls will kill him with their head shots. If everything misses then lady luck hates you. You don’t have to reload as long as you don’t die. Unlike the Priest these guys don’t amputate or insta-kill.

Once you’re at Prehevil Central go East. The path is a bit convoluted so be careful. Dodge the Bobby. Don’t fight it. If you do fight it use Black Smog solely to kill all of his arms and work the Torso with your weapon. If its head stops spinning hit it to kill it immediately.

Bobbies, after death, will resurrect themselves. However if you “beat up” their bodies they will stay dead. I like to keep the Bobby next to the Church, the Bobby next to the School, and the Bobby inside the bookshop alive for easy healing so don’t kill those 3 Bobbies but kill all the other Bobbies. Not right now though. Right now you need to avoid them all.

Once you make it to the church, on the right side there is a hole you can enter which will lead to some stairs. Climb them. Once you’re at the top go right to the next area. From there you should see a ladder. Go up the ladder and to the ceilings. Dodge the Pillarmans. At the bottom right corner is a hanging corpse. Drop the corpse down and make your way back down. If a Pillarman saw you and is chasing you, just drop down from the ceiling by falling.

Search the corpse you dropped to get the Betel stone. Equip it.

3. The Enlightened Soul

In the same room is a confessional. Go in there and confess. After you finish O’ssa would come out and reveal how much of a sad*stic bastard he is so kill him to save mankind from him. Same deal as the priest. A single Black Smog should kill him. If not then lady luck hates you and hopefully he butchers your ghouls instead of you while you try to kill him again next turn. If he cuts a limb off then restart.

4. Bolt Cutters

At the entrance of this area there are a bunch of statues. On the wall with the exit there’s a loose tile with the Bolt Cutters. The tile is perfectly aligned with the bottom row of statues. Get it.

WARNING: DO NOT use the Bolt Cutters on the chandelier. Doing so will block content. Just take the bolt cutters and leave.

5. Get 12 Heads

Go back to the sewers and make your way to the Sewage Treatment Plant. In the middle is a control machine with 4 switches.

a. Turn the inner 2 switches off

b. Go to the left and lower the ladder.

c. Stay on the raised platform and go right and push the blue box as far right as you can.

d. Go back to the control machine and turn the outer 2 switches off.

e. Go back to the blue box and push it further, where the water used to be.

f. Go back to the control machine and turn that switch on. It should push the box off the platform. Turn that same switch back off.

And that’s it. Puzzle solved. Go left and ignore the path we just opened on the right side. Go left. Go all the way to the Western end and you will find 7 ghouls there. Kill them all. Not necessarily with Black Smog.

Note: There is a Levi Doppelganger somewhere in Western Tunnels. Somewhere in the north east. While you can kill him with a single Black Smog I’d hold off until the next day when you’re stronger because that single Black Smog can miss. So stay away from him. Stay south until you reach the exit to Western End.

Your own ghouls are no longer worth the food it takes to keep them alive so let them die. Let them get infected. Don’t heal them. Still feed them though so they can one shot the ghoul limbs. Keep one alive to sacrifice later.

Don’t be shy about using Vodka, Beer, and Wine to replenish your mind. After this day Mind is a non-issue so go ahead and use all of your supply.

By the time you’re done you should have 12 heads from ghouls, neighbours, and rat hags.

Go back to the New God Altar back at the Old House via the Sewers. Offer the 12 heads and craft 4 Soul Stones.

Then sleep. End of Day 1 – Noon

Day 1 – Night

In your dreams, save in a different slot and select these skills

La Danse Macabre


Spice Forge

Blood Golem


Loving Whispers

Activate Spice Forge and put the Green Orb next to the Blood Golem, Red Orb next to Black Fog, and Blue Orb next to Loving Whispers.

1. Kill Karin

Go to Old Town 1 and kill Karin. She should die to a single Double black smog. Cut off her head.

2. Kill Levi Doppelganger

Go back to the sewers and make your way back to the Western Tunnels. Go find the Levi Doppelganger and kill him with a single Double Black Smog. Cut off his head.


Exit the Sewers into the Shopping District. To the left is what appears to be the entrance to the underground. Go there. Avoid the Inquisitors. While you can kill them, if you get unlucky they will blind you permanently so it’s best to avoid them until you can cure blindness. So not for a while.

Inside PRHVL BOP there’s a trap door hidden underneath the butterflies. Enter it and loot the place dry including the guns.

* The Trenchgun kills Death Masks in two shots in the overworld and stuns them with each shot as well. That’s their sole purpose. To kill Death Masks.

* The Rifle shoots the arms off an enemy. Their sole purpose is to shoot the arms off of bosses.

* The Pistol is largely useless as it takes many shots to kill any monster except the smallest ones, which die in one shot. So there’s no reason to save any 9mm bullets. We’ll be using them all right now to kill all the small monsters in the school.

4. Leechmonger Ring + Chainmail Dress

Once you’re done looting exit the PRHVL BOP and go north west into the department store. There are no enemies here so no worries. Go to the 2nd floor and inside a shop is a Chainmail Dress. Grab it. Outside the store, look at the yellow guard rails. They go up. Follow them up to the 3rd floor and then 4th floor of the department store. On the 4th floor is a corpse that has the Leechmonger Ring. Grab it.

5. School

Exit the Department Store on the west side. There’s a shop called Dr.Kefer & Co. He sells three essential items. Small Thing’s Amulet, and 2 Purifying Talismans. If you haven’t gotten these items from random loot, buy these from him. Now this is important, you’re capped at 99 shillings so if you get any more shillings after 99, they’re wasted. So periodically come here to spend your shillings on these 3 items. The priority is 1 Purifying Talisman, 1 Small Thing’s Amulet, and a 2nd Purifying Talisman.

Keep going north west and you’ll come across a school. Enter it. Equip your Lugr Pistol and kill every Fallen Cherub in the school, school basem*nt, school 1F, and school 2F with 1 bullet each. Do not fight the Headmaster. There are 14 Fallen Cherubs. If you don’t have enough bullets then don’t sweat it, leave them alive. There’s a Priest in the basem*nt. Kill him and take the soul stone.

Return to the Old House, offer your 15 heads to the New God Altar, craft 5 Soul Stones from shards, and sleep in the same bed you’ve been sleeping in.

End of Day 1 – Night.

*Note: If you have a Fear & Hunger Skin Bible, engrave your face with the Fear & Hunger sigil and draw the Fear & Hunger sigil on two AF Ritual Circles before sleeping. My choice is the Train and the Two-Story House in Old Town 5 because they’ve already been cleared.

Day 2 – Morning

In your dreams, save to a different save slot and then select these skills.

Black Orb

Greater Occultism



*If you have the Fear & Hunger Skin Bible then get Rot and Agility +1.

Use Spice Forge and put the Blue Orb next to Black Orb. Switch back to Loving Whispers for out of combat healing or specific encounters I spell out. Otherwise keep it on Black Orb.

Today we’re gonna kill the majority of the contestants. Why? Because they all need to be dead for Endings B & C. Also because they’re time sensitive, miss-able because they disappear forever, and they’re buggy as hell. So follow my instructions carefully to avoid bugs and not miss anyone.

1. Olivia, Henryk

Go back to the train and kill both of them.

2. Caligura

Go to the sewers and make your way to Back Alleys 1. From here go to Back Alleys 2. You might face the mob. You might not. If you do you might have to restart depending on what gear you have.

If you have the Salmonsnake Rune then you’re good. You can kill them just fine with no amputations. Spam Black Smog until they’re dead. You can use Black Orb too.

If you have gotten the Fear & Hunger Skin Bible the previous night and as a result have 16 agility, then you’re good too. I pheromone up my Golem on my first turn. Then I Black smog them and heal my Golem. The now-blinded mob will miss most their attacks but some will still get through, especially the meat grinder which is why you keep your Golem alive. Then just spam Double Black Smog until they’re all dead.

If you don’t have either then it’s mainly luck. You have to double smog to blind them all and hope you don’t get amputated while you keep on Black Smoging them.

Arm Pieces might be enough too, I’m not entirely sure if the meatgrinder amputates your legs or not.

Once you’re in Back Alleys 2, go north to Prehevil – West. It is very IMPORTANT that you enter Prehevil – West from Back Alleys 2. Levi is buggy as hell so do as I say.

Once you’re in Prehevil – West you should see Caligura trying to kill Levi. Kill Caligura and say “Are you okay?” to Levi.

3. August

Enter Prehivil North West from Prehivil West. As soon as you climb the stairs go left as far as possible then go back to the stairs. You will see August killing a Cocoon. Open up Skill Forge, remove the Green Orb entirely and then fight August.

BUG WARNING: If you fight August with a Green Orb on any of your spells, he will get the first move and it will be an instant-death coin flip attack so don’t do that. Fight him without the Green Orb and kill him with a single Double Black Smog.

4. Levi

Go to the school and go right. Levi is in one of the classrooms on the right. Kill him. If you encountered Caligura and Levi from the other side, Levi won’t be here. He won’t be anywhere. He’s disappeared. I remember scouring the map for him, giving up and sleeping, only to find that I have his soul but he’s not considered dead. Levi is extremely buggy.

5. Pav, Marco, Tanaka

Go back to the Riverside via the Sewers (I know I know, it’s tedious as hell to walk all the way back and forth from the sewers.) Then make your way to Old Town 5. Cut the double bolt gate with Bolt Cutters you found from the Church and proceed. You will see Pav trying to kill Marco and Tanaka. Kill all 3. You have to kill all 3 yourself right now. Don’t let them leave and don’t let Pav shoot. Attack him on sight and then behead all 3.

6. Pocketcat

Finally, go up the staircase, permanently killing the Bobbies you encounter along the way. And go up the left staircase. You will see Pocketcat beating a girl inside a bag. Trade 9 contestant heads for the following books:

Fear & Hunger Skin Bible

Rher Skin Bible

Alchemillia Vol.3

If you have some these already get Book of Enlightenments instead.

Alright that concludes the Contestant slaughter for now. Only 4 remain. You, Daan, Abella, and Samarie.

Get a few more heads and soul stones and go to sleep. How much is up to you. Minimum is 1 though, you need a +1 Agility skill either from the Fear & Hunger tree or Tanaka’s tree. Only one, though, not both.

*Note: If you gotten the Fear & Hunger Skin Bible from the previous night, you don’t need to sleep. You can finish the game on Day 2 – Morning. But this guide is made with the worst-case scenario in mind so it’s gonna assume you didn’t get the Fear & Hunger Skin Bible from the previous night.

Day 2 – Noon Part 1

In your dreams save to another slot then select these skills

Agility +1

If you want other skills, sure, grab them. Weapon proficiency sounds nice. But none of them are mandatory as I beat the game without any of them.

This is the final day. You’re gonna get all 3 endings today. If you want to save you’ll need to use an AF Circle with the Fear & Hunger sigil drawn on them.

1. Moonless

Go to the Sewer Treatment Plant. It’s the sewer puzzle area. This time go right, past the newly accessible door we ignored earlier, and descend to the Foundations of Decay. Stick to the left until you come across a bag with 5 Blue Vials. Then stick to the right, ignoring the rat man. The rat man leads to an ambush with worthless gear so we’re just gonna ignore that. Keeping going south and sticking to the right and you’ll come across Moonless.

Pheromone up your Golem, wait until the Moonless fully shows himself, then spam Double Black Smog until all of his limbs are dead then attack his head until he’s dead. Black Smog will blind him and make him miss most of the time so it should be a cakewalk.

Black Steel is the better weapon and it will be the first to fall so don’t worry about getting the wrong weapon and spam Double Black Smog to your heart’s content.

Once finished, go to the next area and take the LEFT Elevator.

Activate the Telelectroscope.

Kill the Tanaka Doppelganger.

Then go back up and take the RIGHT Elevator.

Go left and check both crevices. The one that’s further in the left has an Elevator. Use it to go to Old Town 1 and the Church of All-mer to unlock this shortcut.

2. Church of All-mer

UNEQUIP YOUR WEAPON. Do not equip a weapon. There are Crimson Fathers here that will mind control you or your golem before your first turn. If your Golem is mind controlled spam Double Black Smog until all of his limbs are gone. Then kill him with a Black Orb. If you’re mind controlled, you should survive all of his attacks until you snap out of it if you’re full hp when you start the fight so do that. After you’re free heal yourself, Pheromone up your Golem, and kill him.

IMPORTANT: Don’t scribe any sigils here on the ritual circles unless I tell you to.

In the North Western most area there’s an angel statue holding something. Take it, it’s the Martyr Effigy. South of him is a dismembered corpse. Loot him for the Church Keys. Go to the north east corner of the map and enter the open cell. Pick up the Rusty Key.

There’s a GVSR circle in the middle of the map south of the Pillarman with the Rher sigil already drawn on it. Go through it and kill Samarie. Pheromone up your Golem and spam Double Black Smog.

There’s another GVSR circle on the map in the south side. Draw a Rher sigil on it, go through it, go to the end, unlock the gate with the Church Keys, free the Prisoner with the Rusty Key, and pick up the Heart-shaped lock.

Note: This summons a secret boss from the New God Altar. Do NOT accidentally sacrifice it while trying to sacrifice heads. You will die.

3. fellati* Effigy

If you have a Purifying Talisman make your way to the School again. If you don’t buy one from Dr. Kefer & Co. Once there go to the schoolyard. There’s a door with a blood diagram on it to the left. Use a Purifying Talisman to open it and enter. There’s a ritual circle with Rher’s sigil on it. Use it to teleport to Rher’s dimension.

You’re going to have to make a full circle here so just keep going forward, all the way around, past the Golden Gate (can only be opened by the Golden Gate skill. It’s worthless so don’t bother) and you’ll reach an Angel Statue holding the fellati* Effigy. Take it and leave.

4. Hunger Effigy & Daan

Go to the Back Alleys 1. From the Sewer Entrance go directly south and you’ll come across an apartment. Visit the two rooms on the floor. One has Keys. The other a Television. Don’t go to the basem*nt or upstairs yet.

Watch the television and write down the 4 apartment numbers.

Go to floor 3 and go to room 10. Go all the way left into room 9 and you’ll see a horse statue. Move the horse statue onto the middle of room 10, over the cracked floorboards. Jump down the resulting hole.

Daan is here. KILL DAAN.

There’s a diary of a madman here. Pick it up and read it. He lists 4 of his neighbors he killed in order. Their room numbers is the password to the washing machine. Check out the 4 apartments mentioned on the TV to see what order he killed his neighbors. Once you have that go down to the basem*nt to the bloody washing machine and input their apartment numbers in order. Crawl through the washing machine and you’ll be in Rher’s dimension.

Stick your hands in every hole. They won’t get chopped off. Instead they hold awesome loot so loot the place silly as you should.

Make your way to floor 3 and drop down into the room with the Angel Statue and take the Hunger Effigy. Then leave.

5. Sergal

Go back to the Church. Place the effigies on the altars in front of the stained glass. Go through the tunnel that opens up. You might have to fight some enemies but you can also just dodge all of them.

Once you get past the Church, just go straight through the Mausoleum Alley to the giant Alter of the One. Move to the middle and Sergal will challenge you to a fight.

Pheromone up your Golem.

There’s two ways to do this fight. Spam Black Smog until he runs away, or spam Black orb on his 2 arms until he runs away. The latter gives you the Sergal Spear which you can’t use.

Day 2 – Noon Part 2

6. The Heartless One

Secret boss time! She drops the best weapon in the game.

Go to Temple Site 1 and go south. In Prehevil Central there’s a blue box you can push. Push it out of the way so you can walk to Temple Site 1 without going through the church.

Go back and go to Temple Site 2. On the bottom right corner is a purple door that leads to Donnovan’s House. It has a hexen table on it which means you can now get any skill you want without sleeping.

There’s a museum in the middle of Temple Site 2. Grab these 3 items and get out.

Fluted Armpieces

Fluted Breast Plate

Chac Chac

The Chac Chac is located in the glass box next to the Gaelian Greatsword and Yggaegetsu Amulet. It’s hooked up to the alarm system so you can only get one of the three. Get the Chac Chac.

Go back to the Mayor’s House. In the basem*nt, in the right most corner is a door. Destroy the door with a Double Black Orb. Not smog, Orb. In it is the Fluted Fauld and together with the other two Fluted pieces you can craft the Fluted Armor. This prevents limb loss at the cost of 5 agility so if you want to use this you got to get the Small Thing’s Amulet to keep your double turns. So if you haven’t found one yet buy one at Dr.Kefer & Co. Also buy another Purifying Talisman if you don’t have it. 100 Shillings might be much to get both but in all my playthroughs, I had significant amount of shillings to spare from looting. Just make sure you never hit 99 Shillings so you don’t waste any you find.

Craft the Brown Vial. That was what the Alchemillia Vol.3 was for. If you didn’t find a single pep pill after scouring the entire map, well, Lady Luck just said f*** you and you don’t get to fight the secret boss this playthrough. Also craft until you have at least 5 Light Blue Vials.

Once you’re equipped with the Death Mask, Fluted Armor, Betel Stone, Small Thing’s Amulet, and Chac Chac, go to the Church of All-mer 2F. There’s an AF ritual circle here. Draw a Fear & Hunger Sigil and save. If you have a 2nd Chac Chac from random looting equip that instead of the Betel Stone.

Now go to the New God Alter in this church and sacrifice the Heart-shaped lock to summon the Heartless one.

Turn 1: Consume the Brown Vial. This is how you stay alive, by dodging most of her attacks. Your Golem is gonna die brutally quickly.

Turn 2: Consume a Light Blue Vial and then cast Greater Black Orb on her TORSO. Her limbs have 6000 hp each. Her Torso has 9000 hp. Makes sense to just kill her Torso first.

Turn 3-5: Repeat. You need to kill her before your Brown Vial wears off. If she’s not dead by the last turn, just cast Black Orb twice instead of healing. I will guarantee you that she will die.

And that’s it! You now have maxed out on equipment. You’ll notice you have a status ailment from the fight that makes you miss most of your melee attacks. Use a Purifying Talisman to get rid of it.

7. Abella & Telelectroscope #2.

Go back to Old Town 5 and go west to the Maiden Forest. Go find the tunnel entrance and enter it. Find the two Gasoline Canisters and pour them into the generator.

When you approach the elevator that leads down Abella in her moonscorched form will pop out. Abella is bugged. If you kill her here she still appears after you descended and if you kill her there too you will get 2 “Caressing Souls”. As in, the game will treat you like you killed an extra contestant. So to avoid finding out what kind of bugs that will result from that, do NOT kill Abella on this floor. When she pops out simply run and go south at the first chance you get. Lure her through the south corridor. If she drops the chase try again. Once you’re both at the southern most part of the tunnel she will stop. Take out your Rifle and shoot her twice to amputate both her arms. Then go west, making a full circle back to the elevator and descend.

Once you’re down Abella with her amputated arms will attack you. Kill her this time. It’s very IMPORTANT that you Pheromone up your Golem because Abella’s will blow your head up if you don’t. Work her body not her head until she’s dead. Then activate the Telelectroscope, go south, enter the Rher circle, and make your way up to leave the Bunker.

Congratulations, all 13 contestants are finally dead.

8. Telelectroscope #3

Make your way to Prehevil – West. Then once you reach the building with the word Gazette on it, make your way south. You’ll reach the exit to Ruined Streets. From there keep going south until you reach Deeper Woods.

IMPORTANT. There are pitfall traps on the leaves. Don’t walk on the leaves if you can help it. You can see the traps if you look closely enough. Don’t be careless. Don’t die to this.

Deeper woods is where it gets frustrating. The exit to the west is hidden. Keep going south in Deeper Woods until you find an Owl Cultist that pops out of the ground solely to shoot poisoned darts at you. Kill him. Directly north of him is the entrance to the way west. Hug the tree wall until you find it and once you’re through, head west to Deepest Woods.

BUG WARNING. Remove the Green Orb from Spice Forge. It will give the Centaur a free first action that murder you.

You can avoid the centaur if you want. If you want to fight it there’s no secret. Just Double Black Smog and heal up with Greater Loving Whispers until it’s dead. I wouldn’t bother with the Golem. The Centaur’s main attack, Stampede, hits both of you so the Golem isn’t gonna be tanking anything.

Once the centaur is dead open up Spice Forge again and apply the Green Orb to Blood Golem again.

Once you’re down there, just find the 2 gas canisters and put them in the generator. There’s an enemy called Stitches here. Just Pheromone up your Golem and spam Double Black Smog until they’re dead.

Once you powered the generator, go down the elevator and turn on the final Telelectroscope.

9. Saving

Once you’re finished, once you got all the skills you want from Donnovan House, go to Prehevil Bop, draw the Fear & Hunger sigil on the AF Circle and save.

Endings A, B, & C

1. Endings B & C

Go to Temple Site 1 and touch the Moon Tower. It’ll open up. Equip the Betel Stone and Chac Chac and go up.

Choosing to join them will result in Ending C.

Choosing to leave will result in Ending B.

Per’kele is not difficult at all. Pheromone up your golem and spam Double Black Smog until he dies. Don’t use melee attacks, he reflects them or something. You have to kill him with magic.

2. Ending A

Go to the Museum. From the entrance go south and you’ll come across a door underneath a clock. Go to the clock and set the long hand between 7 and 6, set the small hand between 1 and 2, and set the double hand to encompass the symbol with the two triangles on top of each other. It kinda looks like a spear. It’s at the top. The door will open.

Go down the door and through the giant metal gate. Go to the Old Site for a gas canister (if you have gas canisters to spare this can be skipped). Then go towards “Logic”. Just make your way all the way to the end until you see a psycho latex bunny. Equip the Betel Stone and Chac Chac.

Against the Platoon, Pheromone up your Golem and spend your Lucky Coins on the coin toss. Spam Double Black Smog until the bunny is dead then switch to Greater Black Orb spam. If you get unlucky with the coin tosses you can die so maybe use a book of enlightenment beforehand.

Against the Kaiser, don’t equip the Fluted Armor. Equip the Darkness, Leechmonger Ring, and Small Thing’s Amulet. First turn use all 3 Revs and double attack his torso. Next turn attack his torso twice. Next turn he dies.

Against the final boss equip Leechmonger Ring and set your Blue Orb on Loving Whispers. You won’t be using Black Orb this fight.

In the first phase Pheromone up your golem and use Loving Whispers and Light Blue Vials to keep both of you alive and healthy. Whenever the red lights turn on use a Double Black Smog before returning to regular attacks.

In the second phase destroy the hand to YOUR right asap before your Golem goes down. Once that hand is down you’ve won and now begins the grind game. Attack the hand to your left until it dies then hack away at the boss until it dies. She does exactly 45 damage every time. So when you don’t think you’ll be over 45 with an attack with your sword + leechmonger ring, use Loving Whispers. Otherwise just attack attack attack and the final boss will die.

Once you get to the screen with the green nebula stuff, move forward to get the ending.

And that’s it! Game is beat! All 3 endings.

Missed Boss

Rher, the giant moon in the sky. If you qualify for Ending C you don’t get to fight him. So if you want to fight Rher, load up and early save and let Pav kill Marco and Tanaka. Maybe don’t kill some of the contestants until day 3. I don’t know the exact conditions for Ending C but not killing contestants yourself and killing some on day 3 seems to be what disqualifies you for Ending C.

Rher is a super cool boss fight even though he’s easier than the Heartless One and Logic so do it. Fight him. You won’t regret it.

And that’s the end of the guide.

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Fear & Hunger 2 Termina - Marina Full Walkthrough Guide (2024)


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