Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (2024)

It’s been handed down through the family, using cold hands.

Here is a foolproof authentic Scottish scone recipe, handed down through generations of Johanna’s Highland forebears. To make the best scones you need cold hands – or is that a Scottish baking myth? Johanna’s granny made her scones with sour milk but buttermilk will work. And vanilla essence is a modern and faintly exotic addition!

Johanna’s Granny made the best scones

Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (1)
Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (2)
Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (3)

Scone Recipe below, but first here’s a suggestion:

Book a Vintage Bus Tour with Afternoon Tea and Scones (of course!)

Enjoy afternoon tea with warm scones as you go around the Scottish capital in a vintage bus tour of Edinburgh. You can also indulge in optional gin co*cktails while admiring the beautiful sites of the Scotland’s capital city. Perfect! Click below to find out more and to make a booking.

Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe

My granny, Johanna writes, was called Flora Macdonald (1904 – 1991). This recipe came from her mother Catherine (Kate) Gillies who was from Snizort on the Isle of Skye – born in 1879.

Before that, I reckon this recipe and method came from her mother, Flora Gillies, a crofter’s wife – who also lived on theIsle of Skye.

Easy Scottish Scone Recipe

Serving Size: 6-8 Scones

Time: 25 mins :


  • 16oz (450 g) self raising flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 3oz (80g) caster sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3.5 oz (100g) cold butter or margarine – chopped into small pieces
  • Milk, use whatever kind you have in the fridge. About 10fl oz / 284 mls Granny would use milk she had allowed to go sour – and her scones were always so light and soft – but I haven’t tried this.
  • Buttermilk works well – I use a standard carton (284 mls / about 10 fluid oz). Or use ordinary milk mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. wAE


  1. Turn the oven up to 220 C / 390 F (as long as it is hot!). Pre-heat a baking tray. (I like Tala bakeware – made from carbon steel that conducts the heat and gives great results.)
  2. Sift the flour, salt and sugar into a large bowl.
  3. Rub in the butter or margarine into the flour – until it resembles fine breadcrumbs. Use a light touch.
  4. Or use a food processor. Blitz it! But not for too long – it’s quick but you don’t want to overwork the mixture. I have a Magimix food processor – it’s very good and will last for years.
  5. Gradually add the milk mixture – mix with a knife or a metal spoon as this means you don’t overwork the mixture. Do not make the mixture too wet. That’s why it is a good idea not to add all the milk at once.
  6. Remember! – Not too wet, not too dry…
  7. You will get a feel for when the dough has the right amount of milk. Not too wet, not too dry! Add more milk if you need to. It should all come together in a softish ball.
  8. Flatten the ball very gently with your hands on a floured surface. I usually have the ball of dough at least 1.5 inches (4 cm) thick. Too thin and your scones are thin! Remove the hot tray from oven and sprinkle with a little flour.
  9. Cut out your scones – be gentle, don’t over work the scones and don’t twist your cutter – just press down firmly and shake the scone out – and if the cutter gets sticky, dip it in the flour bag.
  10. Sprinkle the hot baking tray and the scones with flour ( this is another secret of light scones!) Bake for about 10/12 minutes, depending on your oven. I place the tray in the middle of my oven. You will know your oven and its foibles!

Granny had cold hands – this surely helped! (Her pastry was light as a feather too!)

Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (4)

These scones are nicest eaten the same day.

My Granny’s scones were wonderful – it may have been the sour milk or the knife or her cold hands!

I recall that her scones were always soft and tasty even two or three days later. Scones freeze well too of course. So its worth making a big batch for future scone-emergencies!

I have never quite managed to reproduce that texture. But they toast well – if a day or two old. Try them with marmalade or Scottish heather honey for breakfast!

However, while Granny might have been a great baker, she never entertained the Kaiser and other toffs with her scones. But Mrs MacNab near Balmoral Castle did. Read all about her after the commercial break here:

Eat Scones and Cruise the Forth Estuary!

Mrs MacNab’s Scones – A Traditional Scottish Recipe

As you have read above, lightness, coolness and quickness in the dough-making seems to be key in all of the many scone recipes. Mrs MacNab was a farmer’s wife near Ballater in Aberdeenshire.

That town, of course, is near Balmoral Castle, the royal family’s holiday hideaway in Scotland ever since Queen Victoria had it built.

So great was the reputation of Mrs MacNab’s scones that distinguished guests at Balmoral, including King Frederick of Prussia, used to pop in for tea regularly (or so the story goes.)

This Frederick was really Kaiser Frederick III – the one who married Queen Vikki’s eldest daughter, called after her mother.

I like to imagine Mrs MacNab, passing the scones, desperate for a conversational gambit, saying in her fine Aberdeenshire accent‘An foo’s yer mither-in-laa?’(How is your mother-in-law.) To which Kaiser Fred would reply.‘Ach, still ze queen…’

Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (5)

Anyway, if you want to attract German nobility with one of the famous recipes from Scotland, this is how you should start:

Mix 16 oz / 454 g flour with a teaspoon of salt, a small tsp of bicarbonate of soda and 2 small tsp of cream of tartar.

Rub in 2 oz / 55g butter. Stir in a beaten egg and a half-pint / 284ml buttermilk.

On a floured board, knead by hand as lightly as possible.

Tear into big enough pieces of dough to enable you to cut them into ‘scone-size’ quarters, having pricked them with a fork.

(This is our interpretation of the original instructions.) But, basically, handle the mixture as little as possible.

It seems that both Mrs MacNab and Johanna’s granny had really cold hands. (So that’s where Johanna got her own cold hands from…trust me.)

Finally, bake in a very hot oven for 10-15 minutes.

Please note: these notes are not given with a guarantee that German nobility will turn up. But you friends will love the baking…

Fancy a shortbread, anyone? Part of theScottish high teaquite often…

Granny’s Scottish Scone Recipe is foolproof! – Must See Scotland (2024)


What do Scottish people call scones? ›

In Scotland and Ulster, savoury varieties of scone include soda scones, also known as soda farls, sour dough scones known as soor dook scones made with sour milk, and potato scones, normally known as tattie scones, which resemble small, thin savoury pancakes made with potato flour.

What is the difference between Scottish and English scones? ›

British scones are usually lightly sweetned and contain fruit like currants or berries. Scottish scones are often closer to a biscuit and are made with buttermilk, though some Scottish grandmothers will swear you should only use sour milk.

Did scones originate in Scotland? ›

Scones are thought to have originated in Scotland in the early 1500s and the first known print reference was made by a Scottish poet in 1513.

What does wee wee mean in Scottish? ›

The word "wee" is one of the most used Scottish words that I heard while growing up. It means "small" or "little" and is commonly used in the west of Scotland.

How do you eat scones in Scotland? ›

Biting into a scone should not release a shower of crumbs onto your clothing or the tablecloth, but neither should you have to do any serious chewing. And freshly baked scones should taste good even without the layers of butter, thick cream and strawberry jam that the Scots (and the English) like to heap on them.

Which type of flour is best for scones? ›

Use all-purpose flour for a higher rising scone that holds its shape nicely, both in and out of the oven. To make more delicate, lower-rising, cake-like scones, substitute cake flour for all-purpose flour.

How long should you rest scones before baking? ›

Recipes for scones sometimes provide a make-ahead option that involves refrigerating the dough overnight so it can simply be shaped and then popped into the oven the next day. But now we've found that resting the dough overnight has another benefit: It makes for more symmetrical and attractive pastries.

What is the perfect scone texture? ›

Fluffy and soft with a little crisp to the edges and top. The perfect scone doesn't come easy. There are many little gritty things that can get in the way of achieving that all-buttery point of perfection.

Do Scottish people say scone or scon? ›

A fun survey has revealed that more than three-quarters of Scots agree that 'scone' should rhyme with 'gone'.

Are scones Irish or Scottish? ›

Scones are traditionally Irish, Scottish, and English foods. However, nobody knows which of these countries invented the baked food. As far as history can trace back, Scones probably originate from Scotland. Yes, the first print reference dates back to 1513 and is from a Scottish poet.

What is the American version of a scone? ›

The American equivalent of a scone, pronounced to rhyme with moan, is a biscuit. Sometimes made with cream, sometimes made with buttermilk, always light, flaky and delicious.

What is a fun fact about scones? ›

Scones originate from the Scottish 'bannock', which is derived from the Gaelic for cake and made using a thin, round, flat combination of oats and wheat flour. #7. No need to overknead! Scones only require light kneading otherwise they won't rise and you'll lose that light, fluffy texture.

What is the difference between a bannock and a scone? ›

According to Cameron, a bannock was the whole circular quick bread or cake, while a scone was the individual piece cut, like a pie slice, from a bannock. It dawned on me that this old distinction is reflected in the way my Scottish mother-in-law made her cheese scones. From my mother-in-law's recipe collection.

What are scones called in the UK? ›

For those in Commonwealth countries — England, Scotland, Ireland, Canada, Australia, Wales, and so forth — the word biscuit signifies something most Americans would call a cookie, and a scone is, well, something similar to an American biscuit: round, bready, and only slightly sweet.

Is a bannock a scone? ›

Bannock is essentially a giant scone. The texture is pretty much the same. Except before you bake it you assign some grooves to it and then you cut it all up to eat with your spreads of choice. Just like a scone, Bannock is rather versatile.


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