Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (2024)

Y Combinator (YC) is a startup accelerator and fund. YC has made approximately 3,000 investments since 2005, including Airbnb, DoorDash, Stripe, Instacart, Dropbox, and Coinbase. The total value of YC companies exceeds $300 billion. YC offers training and services to help founders succeed throughout the life of their businesses. The fundamentals of launching a business are taught at Startup School. The YC batch program assists founders in developing their idea, communicating with clients, and raising funds. Working in a startup makes it simple for entrepreneurs to hire their first engineers. YC Series A assists founders with the launch of their Series A fundraising. The YC Growth Program helps founders scale their businesses and hire an executive team, while YC Continuity invests in later-stage rounds.

Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (1)

Y Combinator companies

Y Combinator is a venture capital firm that specializes in seed investments in early-stage enterprises. It provides finance, business consultancy, and other services to 2-4 person businesses wanting to turn a concept into a product. Y Combinator prioritizes companies with “excellent” concepts over those with expertise and a business model. In the summer of 2005, the business made its first investments. Y Combinator chooses companies to invest in and consult with twice a year. They’re based in Mountain View, California. Companies that they choose to invest typically receive $5,000 plus an additional $5,000 per founder, as well as a three-month commitment to relocate to Y Combinator’s location.

About Y Combinator?

Y Combinator is a venture capital firm that invests in businesses. Seed money is the first round of venture capital. While you’re getting started, it covers your expenses. Some businesses may only require an initial investment. Y Combinator (YC) is a technology startup accelerator in the United States that was founded in March 2005. Y Combinator is a business accelerator that invests twice a year in a diverse variety of startups. Stripe, Airbnb, Cruise, PagerDuty, DoorDash, Coinbase, Instacart, Dropbox, Twitch, Flightfox, and Reddit are just a few of the firms that have utilized it to launch.

It prefers to invest in business-to-business software and services, consumer, healthcare, real estate and construction, financial technology, industrials, and government sectors.

Why do startups need a Y combinator/accelerator?

It takes more than a bright idea to start a successful business. From the beginning, you must have a complete, skilled, and experienced staff supporting your enterprise. On the other hand, most young entrepreneurs benefit from being mentored by an industry veteran who can assist them avoid hurdles that they may not perceive but which might stifle their business growth and reduce the time it takes to market products and services.

These individuals provide accelerator programs that assist companies in collaborating with sponsors in order to launch in the real world. Seed accelerators all across the world have helped to create some of today’s most successful businesses, like Airbnb and Dropbox. Here are five ways that accelerators may help entrepreneurs establish a route to success and overcome their business obstacles.

Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (2)
  • Access to all the structural building blocks under one roof, such as mentorship, finances, technology, and legal and financial services, is one of the most valuable offerings of a seed accelerator to a startup.
  • In terms of fit and quality, hiring, sales, marketing, competition, and funding, an accelerator tailors a program to the business in order to uncover the inherent dangers to its growth in the product market. It proposes to limit them, effectively de-risking startup growth and paving the way to success.
  • Clients and investors are typically difficult to come by for startups at the start of their journey when they are most required. An accelerator can step in to offer its network to such critical persons in such situations. This enables companies to better understand their clients’ and consumers’ needs, work on real-world business cases in accelerator programs, and raise funding through developed connections in the investment community.
  • The accelerator organizes relevant community involvement activities for young entrepreneurs that assist them with hiring, branding and enhancing their whole environment. Other companies can learn about the accelerator and its network by attending events organized by the accelerator. Working in a co-working environment has several advantages, the most important is that it provides a forum for like-minded entrepreneurs to discuss their ideas, issues, and requirements.
  • An accelerator can also assist businesses to go global by leveraging their worldwide community of peers, who are known for their expertise, experience, contribution, strategic support, human and financial capital, and unrivaled networking. They will have a strong foothold in the actual world and will be well connected.

Various statistics that have been used for the Y Combinator are as follows:

  • There are now over 125 companies valued at $150 million or more and over 25 companies valued at $1 billion or more.
  • In the Bay Area, 64 percent of the enterprises are headquartered. 15% of the companies are headquartered in the United States outside of the Bay Area. 14 percent of the companies are based outside of the United States. Only 7% of businesses are located remotely.
  • The YC Growth Program was used by 39 of the companies on the list. This program is for founder-CEOs who are heading fast-growing businesses with less than 50 employees.

How does the Y combinator funding program work?

Y Combinator has two three-month funding cycles each year, one from January to March and the other from June to August.

Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (3)
  • YC batch investment Y Combinator is a venture capital firm that invests in businesses. Seed money is the first round of venture capital. It covers your expenses when you’re getting started. Some enterprises may simply necessitate a small start-up investment. Others will need to go through several rounds. There is no one-size-fits-all solution; the quantity of capital needed depends on the type of business you start. Each startup goes through a round of batches in the beginning, and subsequent funding is based on the procurement and type of business.
  • Safe conversion financing Every venture investor contributes money and assistance in some form. In their case, money is by far the least important factor. In fact, many of the startups they support do not require funding. They conceive of the money invest as being akin to financial aid in college: it’s there to help folks who really need it pay their bills while Y Combinator is going on.
  • Additional future financing round Financing is the money given to a startup or other young private company by private equity or venture capital investors. New businesses must raise cash in phases. The Series A round is often a company’s second round of fundraising, as well as the first substantial funding round in the venture capital stage. Investors who supply A round financing are frequently given convertible preferred shares.

Pros and cons of Y combinator

Just like each coin has two sides, there are certain advantages and disadvantages of the Y combinator, which are as follows:

Pros of Y combinator

  • Absolute focus on product development and consumer feedback.
  • Having a deadline forces you to concentrate.
  • A group of lifetime friends to lean on when times are bad.
  • Advice from partners who have already completed the task.
  • The ability to make a case to investors at Demo Day.
  • Dinners where you may hear about the establishment and running of some of the most successful startups in history.
  • Show that you’re capable and that your concept is sound.
  • If you’ve done well, you’ll probably get a better final valuation.
  • Establishing the company’s foundation through proper legal papers.

Cons of Y combinator

  • It’s quite intense. For some, the pressure can be too much.
  • For some businesses, a three-month timetable is artificial
  • People may believe that getting into YC guarantees startup success, but it isn’t.
  • To get the most out of YC, you should relocate to the South Bay; thus, living in the South Bay.
  • Overhanging valuation: during Demo Day enthusiasm, it can be easy to raise money at an exorbitant price.

Overview on Y combinator companies

Y Combinator is a venture capital firm that invests in businesses. Seed money is the first round of venture capital. While you’re getting started, it covers your expenses. Some businesses may only require an initial investment. Y Combinator (YC) is a technology startup accelerator in the United States that was founded in March 2005. It provides finance, business consultancy, and other services to 2-4 person businesses wanting to turn a concept into a product. Y Combinator prioritizes companies with “excellent” concepts over those with expertise and a business model. In the summer of 2005, the business made its first investments. Y Combinator chooses companies to invest in and consult with twice a year.

Top 100 Y combinator companies

There are various Y combinator companies that are currently functional in the entire world:

RankNameBatchIndustryTotal FundingLocationValuation
1AirbnbW09Hospitality, Accommodations$6.3BUSA$100B
2CruiseW14Transport, Automotive$13BUSA$50B
3InstacartS12Delivery Service, Grocery$2.9BUSA$39B
4DoorDashS13Food Delivery, Logistics$2.5BUSA$72B
5DropboxS07Collaboration, Enterprise $1.7BUSA$40B
6StripeS09Finance, FinTech$2.2BUSA$95B
7RappiW16Consumer Goods, E-Commerce$2.2BColombia$5.25B
8FlexportW14Freight Service, Logistics$1.3BUSA$3.2B
9BrexW17Banking, Credit Cards$1.5BUSA$12.3B
10Ginkgo BioworksS14Biopharma, Biotechnology$1.6BUSA$15B
11ZenefitsW13Human Resources, SaaS$584.1MUSA4.5B
12CoinbaseS12Bitcoin, Blockchain$547.3MUSA$100B
13RedditS05Content, News$1.3BUSA$15B
14GustoW12Employee Benefits, Enterprise Software$691.1MUSA$10B
15GitLabW15Cloud Security, Developer Tools$413.5MUSA$16.5B
16Machine ZoneW08Casual Games, Cloud Infrastructure,$263.3MUSA$500M
17LendUpW12Finance, Financial Services$361.5MUSA$285M
18DockerS10Cloud Computing, Open Source$330.9MUSA$1.3B
191000MemoriesS10Online Portals, Photo Sharing$333.2MUSA$4.7B
20CheckrS14Developer APIs, Enterprise Software$559MUSA$4.6 B
21NorthW13Consumer Electronics, Consumer Goods$199.6MCanada$180M
22CoreOSS13Cloud Computing, Linux$298.0MUSA$250M
23SegmentS11Analytics, Big Data$283.7MUSA$3.2B
24FaireW17E-Commerce, Marketplace$1.1BUSA$12.4B
25Protocol LabsS14Information Technology, Internet$255.0MUSA$12.7M
26Rigetti ComputingS14Artificial Intelligence, Big Data,$254.0mUSA$1B
27OptimizelyW10Advertising, Customer Service$251.2mUSA$1B
28BoomW16Aerospace, Air Transportation$241.0mUSA$1B
29MBX/MemeBoxW14Beauty, Consumer Goods$229.6mUSA$1B
30PodiumW16Collaboration, Consumer $419.1MUSA$3B
31MeeshoS16E-Commerce, E-Commerce Platforms,$1.1BIndia$8B
32AmplitudeW12Analytics, Big Data$306.9MUSA$5B
33Relativity SpaceW163D Technology, Aerospace$1.3BUSA$4.2B
34AlgoliaW14Cloud Computing, Search Engine$334.2MUSA$2.25B
35AirwareW13Aerospace, Analytics$184.1mUSA$3B
36PagerDutyS10Cloud Computing, Information Technology$173.6mUSA$1.8B
37MemSQL/SingleStoreW11Analytics, Big Data$318.1MUSA$1B
38WeaveW14Home Services, Hospitality$168MUSA$1B
39AtriumW18Other SaaS$151.0mUSA$75M
40DrivezyS16Car Sharing, Collaborative Consumption$149.3mIndia$400M
41The AthleticS16Journalism, News$139.5mUSA$550 m
42FrontS14Apps, Collaboration$138.3mUSA$1.3B
43GO1S15Business Development, Corporate Training$283.7MAustralia$1B
45ClearTaxW14Accounting, Apps, Financial Services$140.2MIndia$850M
46PlanGridW12Building Maintenance, Collaboration,$128.1mUSA$875M
47RazorpayW15Finance, Financial Services$741.6MIndia$7.5 B
48Scale AIS16Artificial Intelligence, Image Recognition$602.6MUSA$7.3 B
49GoCardlessS11Financial Services, FinTech$217.3MUK$1 B
50SendBirdW16Developer APIs, Messaging$220.7MUSA$1.05 B
51GrubMarketW15E-Commerce, Grocery$382.1MUSA$1.2 B
52Kobo360S18Big Data, E-Commerce$120.0mNigeria$1.1 B
53InfluxDataW13Analytics, Data Visualization$119.9mUSA$500M
54Embark TrucksW16Automotive, Autonomous Vehicles$317.1MUSA$500M
55MatterPortW123D Technology, Cloud Computing$409MUSA$2.9B
56StiltW16Financial Services, FinTech$224.8MUSA$10B
57BlockstackS14Dev Tools$113.1mUSA$2.27 B
58Seneca SystemsS16Government$110.0mUSA$350M
59uBiomeS14Fitness, Genetics$109.9mUSA$600M
60SiftS11Analytics, Big Data, Fraud Detection$106.6mUSA$1B
61ScribdS06EBooks, File Sharing$105.8mUSA$1B
62ZeroDownW19Real Estate, Rental Property$136MUSA$250m
63AstranisW16Aerospace$353.5MUSA$1.4 B
65Drip CapitalS15Blockchain, FinTech$375.1MUSA$500M
66LegalistS16Analytics, Consulting$100.0mUSA$1B
67People.aiS16Artificial Intelligence, Consumer Research$200MUSA$1.1 B
68GOAT GroupW11Consumer Goods$492.6MUSA$3.7B
70NURXW16Health Care$115.9MUSA$300M
71FivestarsW11FinTech$115.2MUSA$285 M
72Science ExchangeS11Consulting $92.5mUSA$500M
73UnbabelW14Artificial Intelligence, B2B$91.2mPortugal$11.6 B
74Standard CognitionS17Retail$238.7MUSA$1B
75RescaleW12Analytics, Artificial Intelligence$157.4MUSA$500M
76IroncladS15Enterprise Software$334MUSA3.2B
77May MobilityS17Automotive$83.6mUSA$1B
79Human InterestS15FinTech$336.7MUSA$1B
80Tech in AsiaW15News, Public Relations$80.7mSingapore$1B
81ZeusS11Home Decor$136.6MUSA$205M
82MixpanelS09Analytics, Mobile Apps$277MUSA$1.05B
83VidyardS11Analytics, Big Data$75.7mCanada$350M
84WebflowS13CMS, Web Design$214.9MUSA$2.1B
87TiltW12Broadcasting, Crowdfunding$74.0mUSA$400M
88BoostedS12Consumer Good$73.0mUSA$70 M
89Meta ViewS13Augmented Reality, Consumer Electronics$73.0mUSA$307 M
91Grow Mobility/Grin ScootersS18Consumer$72.7mMexico$2B
92SoylentS12E-Commerce, Food and Beverage$133.3MUSA$100M
93GeniusS11Digital Media$77.7MUSA$80M
94ClustrixW06Big Data$75.7MUSA$30M
95Eight SleepS15Health Care$162.1MUSA$500M
96AxoniW14Analytics, Blockchain$90.8MUSA$160M
97MattermostS12File Sharing$70.0mUSA$17.2B
98VouchS19Financial Service, Insurance$184.2MUSA$210M
99Nova CreditS16Fintech$69.4mUSA$295M
100Long Term Stock ExchangeS17Consulting, Financial Exchanges$68.7mUSA$518M

10 Important Y Combinator companies

These are the ten top Y Combinator companies explained below :


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (4)

Airbnb stands for “Air Bed and Breakfast” which represents the company’s early beginnings when its co-founders welcomed paying guests to sleep on an air mattress in their living room to help pay the rent. Airbnb is a company based in the United States that operates an online marketplace for housing and tourism activities, mostly homestays for vacation rentals. The website and mobile app for the platform, which is situated in San Francisco, California, are both online.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (5)

Cruise is developing the world’s most advanced all-electric self-driving car technology to safely link people to the places, things, and experiences that matter to them. Self-driving cars will assist people living in dense urban areas, save lives, reinvent cities, redefine transit time, and reclaim their freedom of movement. GM bought the company in 2016.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (6)

Instacart is an American grocery delivery and pick-up service that operates in the United States and Canada. The company’s services are available through a website and a mobile app. Customers can order groceries from partnering merchants and have a personal shopper conduct the shopping for them.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (7)

Dropbox is a cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and client software service provided by Dropbox, Inc., a California-based American firm.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (8)

DoorDash is a United States-based online meal ordering and delivery service. San Francisco, California is home to the company’s headquarters. With a 56 percent market share, it is the largest food delivery company in the United States. It has a 60 percent market share in the convenience delivery business.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (9)

Stripe is an Irish-American financial service and software-as-a-service firm with offices in both San Francisco and Dublin, Ireland. Payment processing software and application programming interfaces for e-commerce websites and mobile applications are the company’s main offerings.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (10)

Rappi is a multi-vertical Colombian corporation with headquarters in Bogotá and offices in So Paulo and Mexico City. Simón Borrero, Sebastian Meja, Felipe Villamarin, and Guillermo Plaza founded it in 2015, and it now has a presence in nine countries and over 200 cities.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (11)

Flexportsituated in San Francisco, California, is a freight forwarding and customs brokerage firm. Flexport transports freight for the world’s largest companies around the world by air, ocean, train, and road. Flexport is the only solution that provides complete visibility and control.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (12)

Brex is a San Francisco, California-based financial services and technology company. Technology firms can get business credit cards and cash management accounts from Brex. From cards and capital to built-in spend control software and live assistance, Brex has everything you need to grow your business faster.


Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (13)

Coinbase Global, Inc., also known as Coinbase, is a cryptocurrency trading platform based in the United States. Coinbase is a remote-first company with no physical headquarters. Coinbase is a safe and secure online marketplace for buying, trading, transferring, and storing digital currencies.

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Top 100 Y Combinator Companies | Eqvista (2024)


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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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